Christopher Armstrong - Artist Bio

Photography has been a part of who I am and how I frame the world since my late teens. When I began to engage with some of the recent changes in digital photography what stuck me the most was the way it allowed time, light and movement to build an image. I discovered a body of international artists who like me are exploring movement and time based photography, called the Intentional Camera Movement (ICM). This technique involves moving the camera during exposure, allowing the light to draw an image over time. It allows me to build layer upon layer of light/time into an image, capturing a build up of moments, much like a painter stopping only when I feel the image is complete.

Click for Christopher's prints

Selected Solo Art Exhibitions:
2014 - Death of a Sibling - Internet exhibition (
1995 - Captured Absence - Internet exhibition (

Selected Group Art Exhibitions:
2016 - City of Ryde, Hungry For Art - Near Perspectives
2016 - Garden of Stones Group Exhibition
1996 - Doors of Perception - Internet exhibition (
1995 - Fluid dimensions - Internet exhibition (
1992 - Salamanca Arts Festival ‘Stir Fry Jazz’ joint exhibition

Selected Installations
1990 - Circular Head Arts Festival - Balunar Festival work of public art that transformed a beach into a vivid oasis of balloons.

Selected Awards, Grants & Commissions:
Panoramic Publishing 1994 - ‘Inside Out Multimedia Awards’ Awarded 1st prize for ‘Captured Absence and Fluid Dimensions’, internet based art pieces that explore narrative and the boundaries of interactivity.