RITE by Michael Søndergaard
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RITE showcases 52 photographs by Danish photo-artist Michael Søndergaard's debut series, each eloquent image is grounded in truth, vulnerability, and the exploration of one own’s sexual identity.
Michael Søndergaard’s work is concerned with ideas of expressing and defining masculinity and identity. He produces ominously dark and eloquently beautiful portraits of fragile yet powerful subjects.
His work is informed by a personal and academic interest in religious studies which is the basis for his debut series and book RITE.
Michael Søndergaard’s very personal collection needs no addition nor endorsement, even from a friend. His glamorous yet questioning images speak for themselves and for his own fascination with youth and its need for self-expression.
I long for the day when every veil can be set aside, all disguise discarded, so each of us whatever our gender, sexuality, age and ancestry can proudly be ourselves, and free to fly like the birds who flutter through these unique photographs.
They have beady eyes, sharp beaks and feathers to protect themselves, whether in dangerous flight or safely roosting. And whatever they are at, they are beautiful. To put this accurately into words, a poet is needed.
Fortunately, Michael Søndergaard is a poet of the camera.
Ian McKellen
305mm x 225mm
Published by The Little Black Gallery