Things I Wanted To Say But Never Did | Wendy Yu

Wendy Yu | Artist
Exhibiting artist at 'Things I Wanted To Say But Never Did' | Group Exhibition.
Opens to the public 4th September 2019, 6pm - 8pm.
Tell us about yourself.
I’m a dance or movement artist, designing and choreographing movement through space and time. My work has generally been centred around removing dance from it’s theatrical setting and placing it on a medium in which viewers may witness the intricacies of movement that bodies, in the space, may achieve.
Graduating from the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA) in 2018, I’ve had the luxury of working with renowned artists such as Gideon Obarzanek, Lee Serle etc. and have been spending my first year of graduation navigating through the Sydney movement arts scene with upcoming works to be presented in the Sydney Fringe Festival, Project Contemporary Artspace Wollongong, and through the Ausdance, Dance Artist In Resident (DAIR) program.
What can the audience expect of your response to the theme?
This is a durational performance installation, which means that the performer will carry out a score or objective that will be carry out, incrementally, throughout the duration of the gallery exhibition. As the Body holds significant political symbolism, a performance installation where the viewer is physically confronted with the performing body produces a quite challenging experience and elicits the notion of what it means to be performed for.
This work will involve the practise of knitting, which will progressive evolve through the duration of the exhibition. Knitting being a mediative practise corresponds with the program theme of, Thing I Wanted To Say But Never Did, as it is a symbolic portrayal of how communications of clemency and gratitude take time, and aren’t always necessarily given through the spoken medium.
Describe yourself in 3 words
I’m regrettably eccentric.
If you could say 1 thing to an ex lover, what would you say?
I've loved art more than I've ever loved you!!
ARTIST BIO: Graduating from the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA), Wendy is currently navigating through the Sydney dance and movement art scene with a keen interest in constructing post structuralist work. Her upcoming projects include: presenting an original work in the Sydney Fringe Festival, which has been earmarked a festival highlight, performing as part of Kaldor public arts program, This Is So Contemporary, and undergoing a residency at Ausdance in November.
Follow Wendy Yu on Instagram here: @wendellsmindblowers