Things I Wanted To Say But Never Did | Matt Dunne

Matt Dunne | Artist
Exhibiting artist at 'Things I Wanted To Say But Never Did' | Group Exhibition.
Opens to the public 4th September 2019, 6pm - 8pm.
Tell us about yourself.
I walk to day dream and feel better about a lot of things that upset me and, in doing so, make photographs while exploring. My work is often quiet and fecund and all I seek to do is make an emotion, mood or tone visible. I used to work with at risk youths as a teacher, and often they reminded me of the parts of myself I wanted to forget.
What can the audience expect of your response to the theme?
I’ve responded by pulling a piece of writing I didn’t have the guts to send to a student I worked with and an image of weight.
Describe yourself in 3 words.
Joyful. Naïve. Blunt.
If you could say 1 thing to an ex lover, what would you say?
I’m sorry it took me most of our relationship to work out how to be a better man, I’m constantly upset that you were subjected to someone working things out. It really wasn’t fair.
ARTIST BIO: Matt is a photographic artist living and working in Melbourne, Australia. Drawing his background in Literature, his work focuses on approaching the world with an open mind. He creates photographs reflective of place and mood by making images that are simultaneously direct and lyrical. More interested in the backyard than drama, Matthew’s images are made through using long stretches of walking around the suburbs to create art that is about time, memory, place and surrender.
Follow Matt on Instagram here: @matt.dunne