Things I Wanted To Say But Never Did | Tiff Fergusson

Tiff Fergusson | Artist
Exhibiting artist at 'Things I Wanted To Say But Never Did' | Group Exhibition.
Opens to the public 4th September 2019, 6pm - 8pm.
Tell us about yourself.
I run my own drafting business, CAD/CAM and graphic design for the arts/events industry. I also dabble as a theatre mechanist. Vague interests include: art, design, architecture, awful movies.
When I am not working, I like to unwind and pursue my own art, which I sometimes refer to as recreational drafting. In this strayed kind of design, I utilise CAD programs to 3D model and render my objects. Screenshots are then taken and these objects are transformed into graphic prints.
My designs tend to follow a vaporwave aesthetic. This aesthetic style often involves creatively repurposing existing materials to create new forms of art. These usually surround surreal, geometric, and futuristic elements, juxtaposed by nostalgic imagery and classical sculpture. An ethereal colour palette aides in drawing the viewer into the dreamscape nature.
In addition to vaporwave, I get inspired by the design elements and principles. Being able to work within these confines to create artworks that are aesthetically pleasing – whilst at the same time trying to push those creative boundaries. Seeing how much I can get away with!
What can the audience expect of your response to the theme?
Think Mercury. Think communication breakdown. Think internalisation, but with a hint of pink!
Describe yourself in 3 words.
spontaneous, headstrong, exuberant
If you could say 1 thing to an ex lover, what would you say?
Thank you for asking, but I do not have anything to say. Cheers!
ARTIST BIO: A strayed kind of design. Utilising CAD programs, 3D modelling and rendering, Tiff Fergusson is able to draw you into her world – one of a vaporwave aesthetic.
This aesthetic style often involves an abstract nature, a revival of Windows 98, and low-poly computer renderings.
Follow Tiff on Instagram here: @vectorwavecreations