Contact Sheet Announcement

The COVID-19 outbreak in Australia is a health emergency, and there is too much at stake for it not to be taken seriously.
Our first thoughts are with the vulnerable, the elderly and everyone personally impacted by what is happening. Our priority is for the safety and wellbeing of our community of artists, staff, and anyone who visits our space.
In an effort to protect the community we have decided to postpone our public program of exhibitions. This means that the gallery will be closed as of today Wednesday 18 March.
We will be offering all of our courses, mentorship programs and one on one sessions online with our mentors. In addition we are creating new online content for you.
We have created a new online community group. Please join us for FREE and our Director Paul McDonald, will be posting assignments, text to read and we invite you all to post, comment and share your thoughts on students work. The Mental Health of our community is important to me, so please join us.
I wish you all the best and thank you for your support and understanding at this difficult time.
For more information regarding COVID-19 developments please visit the following websites;