Suzanne Phoenix
Photographs punctuate my life. It gives my life a rhythm; it sets the pace and provides me opportunities to pause. It makes me brave, takes me to situations I’d otherwise be uncomfortable in. It allows me to see things without judgment and stretches my boundaries. It’s a tool for me to explore myself in a creative way, to not be in control or analyse and to grow as a person. I strive to document women. Women in all their glory. This image of Acacia, or Weird Alice Yankadic, was created in a series of 2019 International Women’s Day portraits. This image represents some of the multidimensional sides of the person that Acacia is, drag queen, wrestler and queer performance artist.
Suzanne O’Connell
Not sure what to say, to be transgender is the most important discussion I have ever made and my life is now complete. We must all agree on something, let's face it we all love, we all bleed and we all want to live in peace. I look at myself now as a complete woman and live my life as such. I love to go shopping for dresses and tops as all women do. I often get asked if I have any opposition from people, only from the ignorant and those who do not understand. For anyone who is considering transition. Be sure and understand that you need to be strong and be confident with what you feel. Good luck for your most epic journey.
Susan Belpiro
The great Australian spirit of a fair go for all, of equality, is alive and well here. The Marilyns are over one hundred fabulous women, (and a sprinkling of dashing men), whose annual fundraiser for the Cancer Council SA, has become an iconic part of the Brighton Jetty Classic. Who wouldn’t want to join this crowd-pleasing paddle around the pier, in glamorous Marilyn Monroe costume? Equality is further reflected by the token male who has joined the fun in the pursuit of a cancer free future for everyone. This noble ideal represents true equality. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!
Suellen Cook
When I was young there were clear gender differences in society. In my family I was lucky, I played with dolls and dress-ups as much as I played with trains and toy cars. In kindergarten I learned otherwise when a little boy wanted to join my game in the pretend house, but the teacher said only girls were allowed, he cried. Such observations and experiences of inequality have continued throughout my life but thankfully times are changing. I imagine and hope for a world where equal opportunity is held most sacred. My image symbolises balance and equality, a world embracing its diversity.
Susan Henderson
In 1975 I worked in the International Women’s Year Secretariat. I saw how hard women and men were working to end discrimination and promote equality for women. This influenced the way we raised our four children, to expect equality, and how they have chosen to raise their children. My image is of my seven granddaughters, vibrant, optimistic, protected in loving homes by devoted parents; fortunate to live in a mostly free society with the benefits of Australian middle-class life style, that sadly is not equal for all children in Australia. So what does the future hold for this generation of children? Will they live in a world where equality means genuinely comparable opportunity, equal treatment and outcomes, irrespective of gender, race and economic background? I hope so, but I am not confident that the journey will be easy.
Sue Stubbs
Boys will be girls, Girls will be boys
Growing up it was pink for girls and blue for boys. Boisterous behaviour was excused as boys will be boys, crying was for sissies and tomboys were the outdoor sporty types. The closest I came to gender fluidity was Bowie, Jagger and Bolan with feather boas and eyeliner and a song written by Lou Reed Walk on the Wild Side. That was the 70’s. My 2019 Series ‘boys will be girls, girls will be boys’ was shot in Bangkok, a city known for its tolerance and acceptance of Ladyboys, Tomboys and Trans communities. Conservative values and traditions still hold at the core of Thai life so my subjects and their kin deal with the incongruence of what they feel on the inside and who they are on the outside. How accepting you find it is probably an indication of how we’ve come as a society, but as The Kinks sang in Lola Girls will be boys and boys will be girls, It’s a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world. Where does equality fit the LBGTQ world into the wider community, if indeed at all.
Tammy Boyce
A collaboration with a young friend, exploring past traumas, the healing process, rejuvenation linked to the vulnerability of both nature and the female psyche. “Evidence shows that advancements in gender equality could have a profoundly positive impact on social and environmental well-being. Without proactively addressing relevant gender issues, environmental projects have the potential to widen the gap between men and women.” (Excerpt from wri.org)
NOW Your footprint today bares heavily all of our waste destruction is near No time like now to unite, contemplate, bestow your thoughts together Run wild, young and old Change, restore, actively work Roar to the hea’ns above
Tammy Law
This was our place. A place we used to play, argue, dream. A place we called home. Our parents went their separate ways and one after another, we did too.
This image is part of a series that explores my mother’s experiences as a migrant who left the stability of her family and friends in Hong Kong to the isolated suburbs of the Sunshine Coast in the 1970’s, for the sake of love. A fundamental Chinese value is the importance of the family unit as individual identities are defined in terms of their roles and interpersonal relationships within the family, rather than by their own sense of self or who they are. After my parents' divorce, my mother had the task of renegotiating her identity through that transition.
Tebani Slade
I’ve photographed Indianna many times over the years, from when she was little, to now. I have watched her grow and develop into this strong, young woman. She has worked her way through the ranks and has represented her country at many events. Her determination and discipline to beat the odds and to do what others say wasn’t possible is a testament to all women. Finding equality in the boxing arena is not easy. Like most sports it is the male gender that receives the most recognition and publicity, but with inspiring women like Indianna, this is changing. She empowers herself and other girls to stand up, be noticed and be recognised for who they are and what they believe in.
Tina Bingham
Holly is a transgender truck driver living in Wagga Wagga. It hasn’t been an easy road. Driving about town to find locations I got to know Holly a bit better. Holly is different… I mean she has crazy taste in music. But then Holly is the same. We all have to get on with life and become less about our differences and more about what we have in common. We all want to be given the opportunity to fulfil our potential. For Holly it's making a difference. For me it's telling this story.