Penny Hunt
Raising a child demands guidance, determination but most of all love. To allow that relationship to continue to thrive once that child becomes an adult takes realisation on both sides as to the complexity in transference of roles and understanding of equality. Taken during rehearsals for Shimmer of the Numinous, a contemporary dance work choreographed by Harrison Ritchie-Jones (a professional dancer and choreographer) and performed alongside his Mother Jen (an untrained dancer), the work explores the subtle exchange of knowledge between mother and son and celebrates the pair’s relationship.
Penny Ryan
Love is Love
After an emotional YES campaign for equality under the Australian marriage act – Stacy and Dan walked to their ceremony as the guests sung a Pat Benatar classic.
We belong to the light, we belong to the thunder
We belong to the sound of the words we've both fallen under
Whatever we deny or embrace for worse or for better We belong, we belong, we belong together (Pat Benatar).
Rebecca Wiltshire
Equality requires us to embrace individuality. We must not assume who a person is by their sex, race, or religion, or how loud their voice is or how physically strong they may be. We must learn to know who they really are. It needs true respect of the individual and love.
Robyn Campbell
Bustin’ Bubbles, from the series Roller Derby Alter Ego, capturing the passion and drive behind why skaters choose to play a full contact sport, their lives so far, and what they dream of for the future. Bustin’ Bubbles is a self portrait of my Roller Derby Alter Ego illustrated here in the mist of fighting for equality in the education system. All children have the right to education at whatever level they need. An ongoing shortage in funding means that additional needs children often miss out and parents are left to fight the system to get their children the help they need. The skates and helmet are used for playing Roller Derby, which became a way to unleash frustrations and a challenge both mentally and physically. The fight was won, funding was eventually granted, but not without considerable research, reporting and perseverance by Bustin’ Bubbles.
Sandy Edwards
Marina and Zoey and the ducks. From the photo essay Paradise is a Place, 1996.
Paradise is a Place was exhibited at the Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney in 1996 and published as a book by Random House in 1997 with an essay by Gillian Mears.
I photographed Marina, daughter of Marr Grounds and Bonita Ely, over eight years until aged thirteen. The photographs were taken during holidays on the far south coast of NSW at Tanja, near Bega amongst spotted gum forests. It is a place of great beauty that I came to call ‘paradise’.
In this image I see the emergence of adult consciousness in Marina’s sideways glance at Zoey.
Sarah Barker
Aunty Sharon Minniecon is an Ugar (Stephen Island, Torres Strait) woman born in Ayr, Queensland. She exemplifies the pursuit of access and equity for all. This portrait of Aunty Sharon was made in her workplace at St John’s Church in Glebe where she is Indigenous Ministry Coordinator, community worker and pastor in their emergency relief program. For the last 12 years she has also helped shape and promote the Gawura School for Indigenous children. Most of her life work has focused on women and children, to encourage and empower them to make positive change and achieve their goals and dreams.
Sarah Malone
These two people are Raewyn Scrivener and Virgo Hawkins at the Love and disAbility Festival in Darlinghurst July 2019, why they represent Equality for me is that this image is all about love. Equality is being actively celebrated at each of life's stages not being acknowledged with its ok if you do that quietly but an open and proud loving celebration of each person and their ability to marry, have a family, work and engage in all aspects of life as they choose to. That’s Equality having choices, but also being seen, loved and celebrated. Virgo who identifies as non binary really is being celebrated as beautiful bride by Raewyn and its the celebration in that moment
Sarah Osborn
When I relate the word ‘equality’ to a person, I think of my grandmother. I see this image as a portrait of her, despite her not physically being in the photograph. Our society treats our ageing elders with dismissive abandon, but it is in their lives that our privilege was born. I am forever grateful for her. My grandmother passed away just shy of 100 years old. She still lived in her own home, held her drivers licence and exercised daily. She survived her husband by 20 years and taught me to be strong, independent and stand up for what I believe in. She didn’t fit the stereotypes of her time, having a child at almost 40, never ‘needing’ a man, and working into her seventies. I took this image the day she died, of the space she spent her days sitting. To me, this photograph is her. It’s from a body of work I did on the grief that followed her death. For me, grief is so tightly intertwined with love, and neither grief nor love discriminates.
Sari Sutton
Spring, Tokyo
‘Woman’s place is in the world’. 1970s feminists’ placards asserted women’s right to be visible, active participants in social, political and economic life, to claim their rightful place in the public sphere. Girls climbing over the brutalist claws of the Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec dragon god sculpture in a Tokyo park, in spring – cherry blossom season – confident and poised for adventure, for me, embodied what they sought. For women and girls to be active in the world’s parks, streets and wild places; to explore, to have adventures. To have a voice, agency, the opportunity to realise their potential – and to shape and influence the world.
Vicky Cooper
Equality and Being
All things have significance ... sentient or not ... organic or inorganic... For me equality is a rich collaborative environment of diversity, differentiation and divergence.